Monday, April 28, 2008

Opening Day

Opening day greeted us with gray skies and mid 40 degree weather. Which wouldn't have been so bad, had we not had to stand outside for 5+ hours. Ah well, such are the joys of New England... gorgeous sunny 70s all week , then you need to break out the parkas.

The numbers are all their own doing. Totally planned. Pipo and EJ got their shirts first, and they all decided Margaret and Charlie would need to get #s 2 and 4 to make it all coordinated. My kids crack me up.

Our Little League website has a very cool feature where you can plug in multiple teams and create your own schedule. I put in all our times and was horrified to see the length of the printout... over 60 events in all. So much for unstructured. But we are now in the countdown. We will muckle through these 2 months, and then it will be summer. Ahhh, summer and our big Blue Bus. We will say goodbye to structure for 2 blissful months. Until then.... Play Ball!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Love the post. Great job on the numbers, kids!

We have 5 in baseball this spring and 1 on the high school track team. Next year, we'll add our 3 new kids to baseball rosters, so we'll be looking at about 15 games per week. :)

I enjoy your blog!

Laurel :)
mama of 13